SKU: On Demand/Strength Development-12

Strength Development-12



    • Video MasterClass (MV4)
    • Music (MP3)
    • Choreography Notes

    Lower Body Hypertrophy
    It is important to complete Strength Development #11 before you try this workout.
    Join Erin and Ben for this lower body hypertrophy workout designed to build athletic muscle. You will lift moderately heavy weight (less than in the fundamental or foundational strength workouts) and aim to hit higher reps.
    This workout is a great complement to Strength Development #11. We recommend that you spend a couple of weeks rotating between Strength Development #11 and Strength Development #12.
    Once you’ve completed this workout a few times you can return to the beginning of the Strength Development collection and start with Strength Development #1 to begin another phase of strength-building progression.
    With any strength training aim for no more than 2 – 3 times in a week and always have a rest day in between.